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China akan menjadi ekonomi terkemuka dunia dekade ini paling lambat 2029 tetapi 2025 adalah  di dalam  mencapai  karena  Cina  inovasi dari Revolusi Industri Keempat  teknologi seperti AI dan 5G .  

Transformasi ekonomi China masih relatif baru; pada tahun 2050 itu akan jauh  jelas oleh PDB sebesar  AS dan India (kedua oleh PPP) .  


Urbanisasi akan dipelopori oleh daerah Jing-jin-ji, Delta Sungai Yangtze, dan Greater Bay Area sementara daerah pedesaannya akan melakukan  perubahan yang luar biasa dari  digitalisasi  dan  infrastruktur  konstruksi  dengan  tuduhan dipimpin oleh Chengdu,  Wuhan, dan Xi'an misalnya .  


1. AI

2.  Drone

3. Energi Terbarukan

4. Robotika

5. Program Luar Angkasa

6. Olahraga

7. 5G

Digital Provinces, Chinese Fourth Industrial Revolution (Renewable Energy), Hami "photothermal" power station of more than 10,000 mirror devices and 220 m central tower (Xinjiang)

Xinjiang constitutes 45% of global polysilicon production and 95% solar module silicon sourcing. 


Xinjiang’s installed renewable capacity will over-double by 2025 and supply Central Asia for example.


Xinjiang is second nationally for wind (182 GW) and solar (3,500 annual hourly) reserves and fourth for hydropower (336 GW).


Over 5,000 drones increased cotton production by at least 400,000 tonnes with Xinjiang’s output constituting almost 20% globally.


Urumqi is connected to Lianyungang (Jiangsu) over a horizontal record 3,422 km of high-speed railway while $3.5 billion will be invested in southern Xinjiang railway until 2024.


Xinjiang is the BRI’s biggest logistical hub with the Alataw Pass accounting for around 70% of BRI Eurasian rail with 21,600 journeys overall by 2021. 


Horgos Port, the only global cross border Free Trade Zone, enables 49 train routes to 18 countries. 


The Digital Silk Road, the new global ‘information superhighway’, will include the 15,000 km Pakistan & East Africa Connecting Europe (PEACE) fibre optic cable linking Xinjiang, Pakistan, Kenya, Djibouti, Somalia, Egypt, and even South Africa as well as France, the Maldives, Singapore, and wider South-East Asia.


Find out more about Xinjiang’s Digital Economy in Digital Provinces Guide: Countdown to the Chinese Century and Digital Provinces Guide Part Two: Countdown to the Chinese Century in Shop

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